Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Hello, it's me.

Hello, it's me.

We now return to our regularly scheduled programming (after my regularly scheduled hiatus…). I’ve been busy with bikes, babies (not my babies), and a new job, and I’m finally ready to tell ya all about it!

This year’s Girls Bike NYC season has been OFF THE CHAIN - we have so many new riders joining us every week, and I was even asked to become one of the new leaders for the club as our group grows and grows! Some of this season’s rides have included…

Roosevelt Island

We had a beautiful day for our ride with 40+ people (🤯). I grew up in NY and this was my first time on Roosevelt Island! We saw the cherry blossoms and the Roosevelt Island Lighthouse, and then took over Sweetleaf Coffee in Williamsburg at the end of the ride. When I got home, I harassed Eleanor Roosevelt.


The Little Red Lighthouse

Another great day for riding with a fun group of peeps! We made our way up the Hudson River Greenway to the Little Red Lighthouse and then ended with some coffee and snacks at Textbook Cafe in Brooklyn. This was the first ride where we finally had the bright idea to start placing online orders ahead of time so that our local hosts would know to expect us and be prepared!


The Rockaways

I didn’t take any pictures but I did have my first acai bowl and with the help of a few other Girls Bike NYC members, was inspired to create a haiku about the experience:

The acai bowl

It is very new to me

I do not like it

I also got these sick tan lines:


Astoria Park

We were really lucking out with the weather on these rides and our trip up to Astoria Park and back ended with lots of food and beverages at the Smorgasburg in Prospect Park.


9W Market

In which I again do not take photos but share this screenshot of Wink Martindale with a friend to help depict how I felt after the hot, hot ride:


Brewster to Tarrytown

After taking the train up from NYC, we got caught in the torrential rain, had several flats, and debated continuing the ride. But in the end, we were troopers and stuck it out. We found solace under an awning in Tarrytown while we all marveled at the amount and weight of our lunches before stuffing our faces. Laurie was particularly proud of her burrito baby that she brought home with her.


In June, I went up to Chester, NY to dog sit my cousin’s dog, Sonny. Alberto was kind enough to lend me his truck for the weekend (he may not be so willing in the future - I wound up locking the keys and my phone in his truck while I was away. He had to contact a locksmith since I didn’t have a phone [I would have loved a landline at this moment in time, a good old POTS], who wanted $300 to come that night. Alberto bartered with the guy who wound up sending his teenage daughter for half the price. She had never done this before and was watching a YouTube video, so I wound up being the one to break into the truck to get the keys out. Then the guy wanted me to write a review!), so I brought my bike up with me. Sonny and I went for walks and played lots of fetch, which tuckered him out. For my ride, I got about 50 miles in on the Orange Heritage Trail. I was sustained by all of my cousin’s kids’ snacks (and some beer). It was here that I came across a man with a flat on his mountain bike and another man on a road bike, who was attempting to help him. The road bike man admitted he was clueless and rode away when he saw me pull out my nitrile gloves and tire levers. The man who I helped was appreciative in a backhanded way, acknowledging that if I could fix a flat, then so could he. Hopefully he remembers his gloves so his nails look as good as mine did when I was done.


I’ve also been doing lots of laps in Prospect Park, followed by stops at Gold Star, and harassing Eleanor again.




One day I cleaned both of my bikes so that I wouldn’t be embarrassed by their filth when bringing them to the bike shop for tune-ups.


Then I never brought them in for tune-ups and now they’re dirty again.

Another day, I met my friends, Claire and Kate, for a picnic in Prospect Park. I loaded up the alcohol in my cooler backpack and my trusty Pack Rat got me, the drinks, a chair, a hammock, a blanket, and a speaker over to the park. Kate and Claire supplied the water and food!


When I haven’t been riding, I’ve been spending time with my cool, little niece, Ramona:


and trying to settle into my new job, which has very long days. But because I forced them to pay me a lot more than the salary cap for this role (I’m in an industry dominated by white men, so I’m proud of myself for getting here!), I guess it makes sense that they want me to work.

I’m aiming to keep up with my posts after this giant catch up. Keep your eyes peeled for some details on the solo cycle tour that I’m planning for myself in August!

Century Plus Crew: Coney Island Fireworks

Century Plus Crew: Coney Island Fireworks

Century Ride

Century Ride